The new @promt 8.0 translation engine provides a number of significant advantages over its predecessor @promt 7.8. In particular, new linguistic algorithms enable greater accuracy of translation due to

Translation Improvement examples

Language aspect Source text (Portuguese) Translated text (English)
@promt 7.8 @promt 8.0


Encontraram-se os membros do Conselho de Segurança, incluída a Grã-Bretanha There were the members of the Council of Security, when the Great Britain was included There were the members of the Council of Security, including the Great Britain


Apenas dois países da América do Sul - Chile e Equador - não têm fronteiras com o Brasil. You punish two countries of the South America - Chile and Ecuador - they have no frontiers with Brazil Only two countries of the South America - Chile and Ecuador - have no frontiers with Brazil.
Não se esqueça: é necessário se vacinar com antecedência mínima de 10 dias da partida da viagem. One does not forget: it is necessary to be vaccinated in advance of at least 10 days starts of the travel. One does not forget: it is necessary to be vaccinated in advance of at least 10 days of the departure of the travel.


O crescimento relativo das exportações brasileiras foi quase 5% superior à expansão das exportações mundiais, de cerca de 10% no último ano. The relative growth of the Brazilian exports was an almost 5 superior % to the expansion of the world-wide exports, of nearly 10 % in the last year. The relative growth of the Brazilian exports was an almost 5 % superior to the expansion of the world-wide exports, of nearly 10 % in the last year.

Word order

as recentes reacções de dirigentes socialistas europeus, críticas a esta nomeação the recent reactions of socialist European leaders, critical to this nomination the recent reactions of European socialist leaders, critical to this nomination
A sensação tanto do pedestre como do motorista é exatamente a mesma: "Se correr o bicho pega, se ficar o bicho come". The sensation both to the pedestrian and to the driver belongs exatamente same: " If it will run the animal it sticks, if it is the animal she eats ". The sensation both of the pedestrian and of the driver is exactly same: "If it will run the animal it sticks, if it is the animal she eats".


A melhor forma de se localizar e perceber a real dimensão de Florianópolis é fazer um passeio de escuna. The best form of being located and to realize the real dimension of Florianópolis is to do a walk of schooner. The best form of being located and of realizing the real dimension of Florianópolis is to do a walk of schooner.
As costas leste, sudeste e nordeste do país são banhadas pelo oceano Atlântico. You read the back, south-east and northeast of the country are wetted by the Atlantic Ocean. The eastern, south-east and northeast back of the country is wetted by the Atlantic Ocean.

Infinitive constructions

Estamos ainda na fase inicial e muito para se discutir. We are still in the initial phase and there has much to talk. We are still in the initial phase and there is much to be discussed.
Mas ainda há muito por fazer. But still there has much because of doing. But it is still much to do.