The new @promt 8.0 translation engine provides a number of significant advantages over its predecessor @promt 7.8. In particular, new linguistic algorithms enable greater accuracy of translation due to

Translation Improvement examples

Language aspect Source text (Spanish) Translated text (English)
@promt 7.8 @promt 8.0

Word order

La muerte del filósofo José Luis Aranguren el día 17 de abril ha producido una profunda conmoción en el mundo intelectual español. The death of the philosopher José Luis Aranguren on April 17 has produced a deep stir in the intellectual Spanish world. The death of the philosopher José Luis Aranguren on April 17 has produced a deep stir in the Spanish intellectual world.
Por último la sexta consecuencia: "Posiblemente, como ocurrió al abolir la prohibición norteamericana del alcohol a principios de los años 30, el consumo legalizado de drogas aumentaría ligeramente. Finally the sixth consequence: " Possibly, since it happened on having abolished the North American prohibition of the alcohol at the beginning of the 30s, the legalized consumption of drugs would increase lightly. Finally the sixth consequence: "Possibly, since it happened on having abolished the North American prohibition of the alcohol at the beginning of the 30s, the legalized drugs consumption would increase lightly.

Units of measure

Cuando finalizaban los interrogatorios era trasladada a un subterráneo, una pieza de 2 metros cuadrados, la que se encontraba a oscuras When they were finishing the examinations it was moved to a tube, a piece of 2 square meters, which was in the dark When they were finishing the examinations it was moved to a tube, a 2 square meters piece, which was in the dark


Йl tiene un medio mes He(It) has a half month He is half a month old


Una hora después el agua inundó el territorio cercado. An hour later the water flooded the surrounded territory. One hour later the water flooded the surrounded territory.
A unos días del banquete, el número de comensales todavía no se había concretado. To a few days of the banquet, the number of messmates had not materialized yet. A few days before the banquet, the number of messmates had not materialized yet.


Hágalo usted mismo Existen en el mercado muchos programas que se usan para generar test y para corregirlos. Make it you same There exist on the market many programs that are used to generate test and to correct them. Do it yourself There exist on the market many programs that are used to generate test and to correct them.
Y 82 generales enemistados entre , felizmente, claro. And 82 generals made enemies between yes, happily, skylight. And 82 generals made enemies between themselves, happily, skylight.
Como sucede con las lavadoras, existen programas más adecuados para determinado tipo de género y el resultado necesita una revisión posterior. Since it happens with the washers, there exist programs more adapted for certain type of genre and the result needs a later(posterior) review. As it happens with laundry washers, programs more adapted for certain genre type exist and the result needs a later(posterior) review.


No se trata pues de masticar, tragar, chupar o succionar, sino más bien de una acción parecida a la que se realiza con el chicle". It is not a question of chewing so, swallowing, sucking or sucking, but rather of an action similar to the one that is realized by the chewing gum ". It is not a question of chewing so, of swallowing, of sucking or of sucking, but rather of an action similar to the one that is realized by the chewing gum".


Evitar el primer ataque La pregunta era: ¿El descenso de la mortalidad es el resultado de una mejora en la atención médica en las personas que ya han sufrido un infarto, incluido el control de los factores de riesgo o, por el contrario, es consecuencia de la prevención primaria de estos factores? To avoid the first attack The question was: Is the descent of the mortality the result of a progress in the medical attention in the persons who have already suffered an infarction, included the control of the factors of risk or, on the contrary, is it a consequence of the primary prevention of these factors? To avoid the first attack The question was: Is the descent of the mortality the result of a progress in the medical attention in the persons who have already suffered an infarction, including the control of the factors of risk or, on the contrary, is it a consequence of the primary prevention of these factors?


El secretario general de Asprima, José Manuel Galindo, ha elaborado un informe que concluye que la ineficiencia de la gestión urbanística, basada sobre todo en los dilatados plazos que soportan los promotores desde que se interesan por participar en una promoción hasta que comienza su actividad con la obtención de licencias, le cuesta al sector anualmente más de medio billón de pesetas. The General Secretary of Asprima, José Manuel Galindo, has prepared a report that concludes that the inefficiency of the town-planning management, based especially on the extensive period that the promoters support since they are interested in for taking part in a promotion until it begins his activity with the securing of licenses, it costs him to the sector annually more of half a trillion of pesetas. The General Secretary of Asprima, José Manuel Galindo, has prepared a report that concludes that the inefficiency of the town-planning management, based especially on the extensive period that the promoters support since they are interested for taking part in a promotion until his activity begins with the licenses securing, it costs him to the sector annually more than half a trillion pesetas.


Esta opción incluye una recuperación al mes, teniendo el cliente que abonar las recuperaciones adicionales que solicite. This option includes a recovery a month, having the client who to pay the additional recoveries that it requests. This option includes a recovery a month, having the client to pay the additional recoveries that it requests.


Las nuevas tecnologías son herramientas que acercan al mundo o que crean más distancia entre quienes tienen y quienes no tienen acceso. The new technologies are hardware that they bring over to the world or that create more distance between whom they have and who have no access. The new technologies are hardware that they bring over to the world or that create more distance between those who have and who have no access.
Estas medidas se concretarán a las necesarias para impedir daño técnico o interferencia con las redes y servicios públicos, fallas en el equipo de facturación, y a aquellas pertinentes para garantizar a los usuarios seguridad y acceso. These measurements will limit themselves to the necessary ones to prevent technical damage or interference with the networks and public services, flaws in the team(equipment) of invoicing(turnover), and to pertinent those to guarantee to the users safety and access. These measurements will limit themselves to the necessary ones to prevent technical damage or interference with the networks and public services, flaws in the team(equipment) of invoicing(turnover), and to those pertinent to guarantee to the users safety and access.