
PROMT was founded in 1991. Its name is an abbreviation of PROject Machine Translation.
Our company has a team of highly qualified programmers and linguists who create software that is renowned all over the world.
PROMT technologies are used by such companies as PTC, BOSCH and STADA. The company works with partners around the world: Chuanhow Technologies (China), Crosslanguage Inc. (Japan), Softissimo (France) and others. The company owns and develops the translation service Online-translator.com.

The company slogan is “We make the world understandable!”. PROMT translation systems help people all over the world overcome language barriers in personal life and business.


PROMT translation systems help people all over the world access information in different languages. PROMT offers very user-friendly translation programs and mobile apps designed for home use, powerful professional systems for experts in the field of translation, and customized solutions for companies, software developers and Internet projects based on state-of-the-art neural technologies.

PROMT History
1991 - 1996
  • company founded, first PROMT MT system launched for translation from English into Russian;
  • launch of product line under the new trademark STYLUS;
  • contract with NASA for delivery of machine translation systems from English into Russian.
1997 - 2000
  • Cooperation begun with French software developer Softissimo Sarl.;
  • Launch of translation service Online-Translator.com;
  • Launch of new multimedia translator Magic Gooddy for children
  • presentation of VER-Dict look-up dictionary at Softool 2003 expo;
  • presentation of the new product PROMT for Trados, for professional translators;
  • launch of a translator for WindowsCE/PocketPC pocket computers, Pocket PROMT 4.0;
  • launch of a new client server solution for corporate clients, PROMT Translation Server 7.0 Intranet Edition and Developer Edition;
  • launch of the first web translator for Mozilla Firefox, PROMT Internet for Mozilla Firefox;
  • launch of the first translator for smartphones and PDAs – PROMT Mobile 7.0;
  • awarded the status of Microsoft Certified Partner (allowing PROMT employees to work with the latest Microsoft technology and apply them in their developments);
  • presentation of PROMT translation hybrid technology, combining the rule-based classic method of machine translation and statistical methods;
  • presentation of cloud solutions for corporate and private users – PROMT Cloud and PROMT Start;
  • launch of PROMT Agent for translating highlighted text in any PROMT programs and browsers;
  • cooperation started with the Japanese company Crosslanguage Inc;
  • presentation of the first offline translator for mobile devices, PROMT Offline for iOS and Android;
  • third place in the international independent rating Top Ten Reviews for the PROMT Professional 10 translator;
  • company recognized as the best developer of native mobile products at the Fifth international forum of app developers, Apps4All;
  • launch of the first offline translator for Mac OS X;
2016 - 2017
  • launch of the corporate solution PROMT Analyser SDK for working with Big Data;
  • International Association of Computational Linguistics gives a special mention of PROMT technology for the fourth time;
  • presentation of new-generation desktop translators PROMT Master and PROMT Lite;
  • launch of enterprise-grade solutions based on neural machine translation, PROMT Neural.
2018 - the present
  • PROMT mobile app is integrated into conductor’s devices for checking e-tickets during the 2018 FIFA World Cup;
  • PROMT company first presented neural network translation technologies at the EMNLP conference;
  • PROMT and TAdviser launched TAdviser.com powered by PROMT NMT;
  • PROMT is listed in the Top 15 Companies in Natural Language Processing and Synthesis;
  • The new free online-service PROMT.One released;
  • PROMT Neural Machine Translation got high points at WMT20;
  • PROMT got the highest scores in the fisrt round of the European project Covid-19 MLIA Eval